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Tips To Keep Fleas and Ticks Out Of Your Yard

05 Sep, 2017 / by admin

Tips To Keep Fleas and Ticks Out Of Your Yard

There’s no secret that insects come out in waves whenever the sun is shining brightly. You see less of them when it’s raining, but we wouldn’t want rain 24/7. Plus, there are insects that are attracted to the rain too. There’s just no winning. It can be a pain in the neck, especially when all you want to do is enjoy yourself. But don’t worry, your Spartanburg exterminator, Gotta Bug Call Doug has the tips and tricks to keep those ticks and fleas off your property!

Step One

Make sure ALL your pets are treated for fleas. You can put flea collars on them, or use the liquid that applies to their fur. The collars can usually itch and drive your pet crazy. The liquid is a better option. It can last up to 6 months, making it ideal for the whole season. This goes for indoor pets as well! Unwanted pests get crafty when they want to. Read more about Protecting Your Pets From Mosquitoes.

Step Two

Mow that lawn! That’s right! Keep your grass trimmed to barely nothing. Ticks and fleas like to hang out in the taller grass, thinking they will go unnoticed. Keep Ticks Off Of You During The Summer. The best way to prevent the insects from camping out is to remove their camping ground. Besides, your neighbors might complain if the grass is too long too. But, keeping your grass short is only part 1 of the lawn maintenance to remove insects. The second part is cleaning up. Any unwanted furniture laying around needs to make its way to the dump. If you’ve got a bird bath, empty it out! That collects so many more unwanted pests and insects. We don’t even want to think of it. Piles of wood are a particular favorite for nesting as well, so make sure you’ve got the area clean of any fallen tree branches. If you’re keeping your wood, stash it away in a locked space, like the garage. Keeping your space clean also means keeping your garbage in a sealed container, where other insects don’t have access to your trash. A lockable trash can is the ideal method of keeping your garbage secure.

Step Three

Make sure the property is well-lit. Why, you might ask? Because these types of insects come in on seemingly innocent visitors. Like deer, or raccoons or even the little squirrels running through your yard. If you have a well-lit property, many of these animals will avoid coming near the light. Therefore, they will take the unwanted pests somewhere else, like your neighbors. You may choose to use the scented lanterns to light up your property. There are scents, like lemongrass and citrus, that keep many insects way. Ticks in particular dislike vinegar. Maybe sprinkle it around your yard to prevent the insects from staying.

Of course, if all the steps fail, there’s always your Spartanburg exterminator. Contact Gotta Bug Call Doug for all your pest control services at (864) 582-3684.